Clients are afforded the following procedure for seeking redress of grievance, should they feel that their rights have been violated in any manner. The following is the procedure for handling Client grievances.
The client has the option of filing a grievance with an outside agency. Should a client, or another party on behalf of a client, have a grievance, that person may file the grievance at any time. Assistance will be given to help file the grievance. A client grievance form will be used. Grievances must include information of the date, time, location, names of the person(s) involved and a description of the incident/situation. Grievances must be in writing, signed and dated by the client.
All grievances are to be settled within the following steps:
1. The Client Rights Officer (CRO) will review the grievance within five (5) business days, interview the client as necessary and appropriate, conduct any investigation deemed necessary, and render a judgment within 15 business days of receipt of the written grievance. An extension, which shall be explained to the grievant, may be required when unusual circumstances prevent the CRO from completing a full investigation. If resolved, a written statement of the results will be given to the client.
2. If not resolved, the matter will be referred to the Executive Director of Family Services. The client and the CRO will meet with the Executive Director to review the grievance. A written statement of the results will be given to the client. The entire process will be completed within twenty (20) business days of the receipt of the grievance.
3. If not resolved, the client will be advised and referred to outside agencies. The CRO may assist the client in contacting any resource (see agencies listed below).
4. The administration of Family Services and Community Services for the Deaf will give whatever support is required for the CRO to fulfill her role in assuming that the agency is in compliance with the Grievance Procedure.
5. Upon their request, and with their signed Release of Information (ROI), information about the grievance will be provided to any outside agency(ies) to which the client has been advised and referred for resolution of the grievance. The agencies usually included are (found on reverse side):
Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health
Services Board for Montgomery County
The Woolpert Building
409 E. Monument Avenue, Suite 102
Dayton, Ohio 45402
(937) 443-0416
Tri-County Mental Health and
Recovery Board
1100 Wayne Street
Troy, OH 45373-3048
(937) 335-7727 (937) 335-7727
Ohio Department of Mental Health
30 E. Broad Street, 8th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43266-0414
(614) 466-2596
TDD (614) 752-9696
State of Ohio Dept. of Alcohol and
Drug Addiction
Two Nationwide Plaza, 12th Floor
280 N. High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 466-3445
TDD (614) 644-9140
Attorney General's Office
Medicaid Fraud Control Section
30 E. Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43266-0400
(614) 466-4320 or 1-800-282-0515
TDD/TTY (614) 466-1393 or 1-800-282-0515
Governor's Office of Advocacy for
People with Disabilities
8 E. Long Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43266-0400
(614) 466-9956 or 1-800-228-5405
TDD/TTY (614) 466-9956 or 1-800-228-5405
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights, Region V
105 W. Adams Street, 16th Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60603
(312) 886-2359 or 1-800-368-1019
TTD/TTY (312) 353-5693 or 1-800-863-1010
Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage
and Family Therapist Board
77 S. High Street, 16th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6108
(614) 466-0912
TDD/TTY Not available